04/22/23 WELCA Spring Foothills Conference

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church will be hosting the WELCA Spring Foothills Conference in our Fellowship Hall on April 22, 2023 (10:00 am to 12:30 pm).  Jane Cahaly will be our guest speaker, so in case you missed it before, come to hear her presentation on the Salt & Light Ministries.  All women of the church are welcome to attend if you are in a circle group or not.  The two circle groups, along with the WELCA board, are busy planning this event and the theme will be “God’s Spring Blessings.”  A light continental breakfast as well as lunch will be served.  There is no charge for this event, but the group does take up a freewill offering.

If you plan to attend, please contact Beth Fischer 864-933-7446 by April 9 so we can get a count of the number attending.


ALL ladies of all ages are welcome to attend either (or both) circle groups.  Katie’s Ladies meet on the 2nd Tuesday morning each month at 10:00, and Luther’s Ladies meet on the 3rd Thursday evening at 6:00.  Both meet in the office conference room.  Contact Beth Cribbe for questions about the morning group and Beth Fischer about the evening group.  Attending circle groups is a good way to get to know the ladies in our church and share God’s love.