02/27/22 Weekly Congregational Email

Dear Members and Friends of Holy Trinity,


Here are this week’s updates to pass along to you:


  1. Last week I shared that Jean Vinson had tested positive for COVID. I am happy to report that, that is not the case, and Bob continues to improve each day.

  2. In case you are wondering exactly how many attended our congregational Active Shooter Training event on Sunday, we had 53!  Thank you to the Safety Team for arranging this event with the Anderson County Sheriff’s Department.

  3. The March Messenger was mailed out yesterday, on Wednesday, and many of us received our copy in the mail today.

  4. We have several folks who are willing to help work in the Prayer Garden but we are in need of someone to coordinate the care of the plants in this area.  If you are knowledgeable about how to care for these plants –  how to prune, when to prune, etc., please contact Ernie Thoms at volleysc@bellsouth.net or at 864-221-0442, or let me know.

  5. Lent begins next week on Ash Wednesday, March 2.  We will be offering two identical worship services with Holy Communion and the Imposition of Ashes – 12:00 Noon and 7:00 p.m. as we begin an exciting sermon series on, “Journey of Stones.”  As an added COVID precaution, I will be administering the ashes using disposable Q-tips (purple of course) to keep everyone safe.

  6. This coming Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday.  As preparation for the sermon, it would be helpful to read over the First Reading, of Exodus 34:29-35 and the Gospel Reading, of Luke 9:28-36 and contemplate what these two passages have in common.  Other things to ponder:
  1. What do you know about the Ark of the Covenant?

  2. What is its significance with the Hebrew people?

  3. How did the Ark represent God’s presence?

  4. What does the word “transfiguration” mean?

  5. Can you imagine what it must have felt to be in God’s presence on the mountain?

  6. How is God present in your life today?


See you Sunday!

Pastor Fischer