01/16/2022 Weekly Congregational Updates

Dear Members and Friends of the Congregation,


A couple of things to pass along to you this week include:


  1. If you have been watching the weather forecast, there is a pretty good chance that a wintry mix will land on Sunday morning.  Amy Goodson, as Congregational President, and I will confer with each other, if needed, to decide if the worship services will be cancelled due to the weather.  A reminder that if that is the case, we will put into place the Call List where each member of the Church Council has specific people to contact in the congregation to relay a message.

  2. As announced this past Sunday in worship, despite having all 3 Pfizer vaccines, I tested positive for COVID last Friday.  I was absolutely sure I had a sinus infection and was floored to learn otherwise.  I am over all my symptoms (headache, chest congestion, sore throat) except a lingering cough that will not go away.  I returned to the office yesterday, wearing a mask, and keeping my distance.  We are very grateful as a congregation to have Amy Goodson lead both worship services this past Sunday, and deliver my sermon.

  3. The bulletin for this coming Sunday, that was sent out earlier today, has an error in it.  The minister is listed as Pastor Booher. That is not correct.   I am planning to be in attendance, weather permitting. I will be preaching on the gospel text, John 2:`1-11, as we explore what it means for us today to have our Lord chose his first miracle to be of changing water into wine at a wedding.

  4. This past Monday evening the church council, as part of its monthly meeting, revisited the COVID situation in Anderson and the safety of the congregation.  It should come as no surprise that the decision was made to return to omitting the singing of hymns and liturgical responses at all worship services and return to the wearing of face masks.  All meetings – LMM, Sunday School classes, confirmation classes, can continue to gather with the wearing of masks strongly encouraged and meals still not being served.

In Christ,

Pastor Fischer