Saturday Servant Update

Thank You Saturday Servants!!!

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church has always been there for their neighbors in need and July was no exception. For three Saturdays in July, we met to make peanut butter and jelly and bologna and cheese sandwiches. In assembly-line fashion, we packed bags with fruit, cookies/cakes, and chips. At the end of the month we had made 429 bagged lunches which contained a lunch for Saturday and a lunch for Sunday. That is 858 sandwiches, not to mention the additional peanut butter and jelly sandwiches that were made! Many volunteers were needed to accomplish this task, from those who did the prep-work in the kitchen, those who made the sandwiches and worked the assembly line, to the individuals who traveled to the Anderson Emergency Soup Kitchen to distribute the lunches to our neighbors.

Costs were kept low as a result of local business donations of bread, water, a discount in fruit costs, your food donations and a Thrivent Grant and monetary gifts.

Great job HTLC Saturday Servants! Many thanks to you for your donation of your time, goods, and financial support to feed our hungry neighbors in Anderson.

Many Thanks,

The Service Committee