During recent months, the ladies of HTLC’s WELCA groups have been busy collecting household items for Family Promise for a family moving into permanent housing, making fleece blankets and pillowcases for the Linus Project conducted by the Electric City Quilting Guild, collecting cleaning/hygiene products for Family Promise and making quilts which will be donated to Lutheran World Relief.
WELCA Sunday will be held on Sunday, May 7, when all the activities of the service will be conducted by Congregational women. Jane Cahaly has gratuitously agreed to deliver the message on that Sunday. Funds collected via the WELCA envelopes that will be distributed on that day will go toward a scholarship for a female student at the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary.
As presented in the April issue of The Messenger, the South Carolina WELCA Convention will be held June 910, 2017, at St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church in Lexington, SC. If you would like to attend the Convention as a Visitor, please contact Roz Eckardt. Registration deadline for Visitors is May 29, 2017. Donations for the Convention Projects, as detailed in the April Messenger, can be placed in the collection boxes in the Church Office or in the Narthex. Monetary donations or gift cards should be given to Roz Eckardt or to one of the WELCA group leaders. For further information on the Convention, its workshops and its projects, please visit the SCWELCA website at www.scwelca.com.

If you are not currently participating in one of the WELCA groups and would like to, please talk to Roz Eckardt or one of the group leaders. In addition to working together on projects, we have monthly meetings including devotions, a program and refreshments. Please come and join us