Would you know what to do if a threat took place
during one of our worship services? Do you know the
do’s and don’ts?
For the last several years, the Safety Team for our congregation has meet on a regular basis seeking
ways to keep the congregation safe and to anticipate various threats. This group of dedicated men and
women have attended training sessions sponsored by the Anderson Sheriff’s Office throughout
Anderson. We have decided that it is now time for us to host our own Active Shooter Training for the
benefit of the congregation. Please make plans to join us for a training event that we pray we never
have to put into action. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Oates, our Safety Team
WHAT: Active Shooter Training
WHEN: Sunday, February 20 3:00 p.m.
WHERE: Our Sanctuary
WHO IS INVITED: Everyone in the congregation
WHO IS DOING THE TRAINING: The Anderson County Sheriff’s Office
Our Safety Team Members
Mike Oates, Chairperson
Mike Metz
Claude Calloway
Council Rep. Amy Goodson
Terry Cribbe
Paul Wagner
Dave Harrow
Brenda McGowan
Chad Evans
Pastor Fischer